莱凡塔音乐与创意学院是国外正规买球app官方版下载的一个公共项目-向所有人开放-鼓励在生命的每个阶段进行创造性的体验和表达. Through performing and visual arts classes and workshops, performance opportunities, concerts, and other creative presentations, 年轻人和成年人都可以在一个重视个人反思和艺术活动的温馨环境中发现和发展他们的创造力.
2024-25 Season: Music and Meaning
How does music make us feel? Why does a melody bring us joy or sorrow? What makes a rhythm pulse with energy or a harmony resonate with emotion?
音乐通过旋律、和声、节奏、音色和动态的微妙平衡来创造意义. 这些元素共同唤起情感、讲述故事和表达想法. Cultural, social, and personal contexts also play a vital role, shaping how we interpret and respond to music. In essence, 音乐的力量在于它能与我们的情感和经历紧密相连, making each listening moment a unique journey of meaning.
加入我们,在国外正规买球app官方版下载的莱凡塔音乐与创意学院,为我们的2024-25赛季探索音乐创造意义的深刻方式. Through workshops, performances, and presentations, we’ll dive into the intricate interplay of sound, emotion, and story. 不要错过这个进入音乐表达核心之旅的机会.
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Youth Classes & Workshops
Summer 2024
通过我们的Think summer项目注册夏季青年Levanta课程! Click here for more information. After-school youth Levanta classes will begin again in the fall.
Adult Workshops
Fall 2024
October 4, 2024, 7 p.m.
Simms Center for the Performing Arts
Donations Appreciated
加入著名的基塔拉二人组一个迷人的夜晚,音乐与世界永恒的故事和传说交织在一起. 在国外正规买球app官方版下载令人惊叹的西姆斯表演艺术中心举行, 这场音乐会将带你穿越时代,因为二人组带来了丰富的叙事和古老的神话,启发了他们的音乐. Hosted by the Levanta Institute for Music and Creativity, 通过故事和声音的力量,这次演出将带来一段难忘的旅程.
December 7, 2024, 7 p.m.
Simms Center for the Performing Arts
This special concert celebrates the rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning artistry of New Mexico, all through the unique and visionary lens of New Mexico legend John Truitt. 让自己沉浸在音乐之旅中,用与风景相呼应的作品来纪念西南精神, traditions, and stories that make New Mexico truly extraordinary. Don’t miss this celebration of a local icon and the place we call home.
April 19, 2024
国外正规买球app官方版下载的莱瓦塔音乐与创意学院很荣幸地邀请了克拉丽斯和萨杰奥·阿萨德进行为期三天的驻留演出, teaching sessions, and coaching for Academy students. Their visit included collaborating with the Advanced Guitar Orchestra, particularly in refining Clarice Assad’s challenging piece, “Dusty Grooves.” Additionally, 他们举办了一个两小时的大师班,演奏了国外正规买球app官方版下载荣誉吉他四重奏乐团演奏的ssamrgio Assad的《国外正规买球app官方版下载》.” Read more.